
A sharp, glassy view

With a soundtrack to die for

I can see everything from here,

My hands poised on the rails-

My voice reluctantly trailing away…

But you can’t see me, no.

Your eyes are trained

To seek the center stage.

But this is where I stand-

Away from the curveballs,

The fights, the gravel,

Away from the scathing commentator-

The torment of heckles, backlashes

From rash, rabid rivals.

This is where I stand-

Safe and sound

There, but never around.

Because I’m too cautious,

Too scared, too weak to be a part of the game

But too invested to stay away.

This is who I am-

A silent, frenzied spectator.

Published by Pooja Sathyanarayanan

Pooja Sathyanarayanan (Poo-jah Sath-yah-nah-rah-yah-nun) is a writer, avid reader and graduate of the M.A Positive Developmental Psychology & Evaluation program at Claremont Graduate University. She is constantly seeking opportunities to understand and create content related to the human capacity to flourish and thrive. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, hiking and window shopping at gift stores.

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